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How to Alleviate Dry Eye an Interview with Dwayne Lewis

Sep 22, 2020

In this interview, I review the 4 Steps of Simple Dry Eye treatment plan and the importance of having a treatment plan that addresses the symptoms of your dry eyes.

Let me do a quick review for you here.

Step One: Hydrate - Use an artificial tear to give the front surface of the eye the moisture it needs to keep the eye healthy.

Step two: Harmonize - Using a cleanser for the lids and lashes on a daily basis will keep the bacteria living there in check.  Over population of bacteria will lead to redness and irritation.

Step three: Heat - A warm compress will help to melt the oils trapped in the oil glans lining the lid margins.  Once thee oil is able to flow freely out of the glands, the oil will coat the watery portion of the tears and prevent it from evaporating.

Step four: Heal - Omega-3 Fatty Acid supplements can help to provide the eye with the building blocks it needs to produce healthy tears.  And, healthy tears make your eyes happy.

There you have it, just four simple steps to give the eyes the help they need to start producing tears that moisturize and nourish the eye. 


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