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Eliminating Toxins from Your Personal Care Products

Jul 19, 2024

Today, I am thrilled to welcome Rachel Downey, a health and wellness advocate, to discuss how to avoid toxins in personal care products. Rachel, a mom of three, began her journey eight years ago, driven by her desire to make safer choices for her children. 

Rachel shares that her journey started when her daughter experienced reactions to certain products, prompting her to explore and switch to safer alternatives.

 What's a "Swap"?

Rachel emphasizes the importance of making "swaps," or replacing commonly used products with safer options. This is the simple act of swapping out one of your regular personal care items for another that contains less toxins. Overtime, using one product that is better for your health after another, you can notice significant changes to the way your...

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#214: 3 Keys to a Great Eye Makeup Remover

Jun 30, 2024

Removing eye makeup at the end of each day is crucial, especially for those of us with sensitive eyes. Leaving makeup remnants on our lids and lashes overnight gives bacteria a cozy place to settle and multiply. This overgrowth can lead to issues like blepharitis, inflammation, redness, swelling, and even wrinkles. None of us want that, so let's ensure we remove our eye makeup properly every day.

So, what makes a good eye makeup remover for sensitive eyes? There are three key factors to consider, and I’ll use one of my favorite products, Optase Life Sensitive Eye Makeup Remover, to illustrate them.

1. Gentle Removal

A great eye makeup remover must gently remove all traces of makeup. The Optase Life Sensitive Eye Makeup Remover features patented ionized water technology that gently...

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#213: How to Keep Your Eyelashes Clean Without Soap

Jun 23, 2024

Today, I want to share why using soap and water isn't efficient for cleaning your lids and lashes. If you've been following me for a while, you know that I always talk about four simple steps to take care of your eyes daily because when you learn to take care of your eyes today, your vision will last a lifetime. Taking care of our eyes is as essential as taking care of our hair, skin, and teeth. Our eyes are irreplaceable, and we need to ensure they serve us well for life.

Many of my patients say, "Yeah, I wash my eyes in the shower," or "I clean them when I wash my face." But why isn't soap and water enough? There are bacteria and mites that live on our lids and lashes—everyone has them, and it's completely normal. However, for those of us who suffer from dry eye disease, our...

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#212: Miebo: A New FDA-Approved Medication for Dry Eye Relief

May 27, 2024

Today, I'm diving into the world of dry eye relief and exploring a brand-new solution that's making waves in the eyecare world. Say hello to Miebo, the recently FDA-approved medication from Bausch + Lomb, designed to treat dry eye symptoms. But before we delve into this exciting development, let's take a moment to understand the intricate layers of our tear film. 

The Three Layers of Tear Film 

Your tears are more than just salty droplets that express your emotions; they're a complex blend of three crucial components: 

  • Watery Layer: This layer coats the front surface of your eye, providing moisture and nourishment. 
  • Mucus Layer: The mucus layer serves as a foundation, holding the watery layer in place. 
  • Oily Layer: The final layer, produced by your...
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#211: New Mascara for Dry Eye Sufferers

May 19, 2024

Mascara has long held the crown as America's favorite eye makeup. According to studies, women apply mascara an average of nine times each week. With such frequent use, it’s crucial to consider what we're putting so close to our eyes.

I'm so excited to share that one of my favorite CLEAN Beauty brands has just launched their newest formulation of mascara. Clean Sweep mascara by twenty/twenty beauty is now available. Use code:  PAMMASCARA to get yours at 30% off.

Here are three compelling reasons to make the switch to CLEAN mascara:

1. Support Healthy Lash Growth

Introducing a clean, water-resistant treatment mascara that delivers defined, lengthened, and stronger lashes instantly and with continued use. Enriched with nourishing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, vitamin...

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#210 Best Beauty Products for Sensitive Eyes

May 08, 2024

Hey there, fellow moms! With Mother's Day right around the corner, I wanted to share some fantastic gift ideas that I know would make any mom's day brighter. As a mom myself, I've come across some amazing clean beauty brands that are offering free gifts this week, and I couldn't wait to tell you all about them. There are 2 specific brands,

twenty/twenty beauty

Clean Sweep Mascara

This mascara doesn't just coat your lashes; it pampers them with a blend of hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, and biotin, leaving them defined, lengthened, and stronger. Plus, the sleek black color adds that perfect finishing touch to any look. For 30% off use CODE: NEWFORMULA30SWJVN7Q6

 Get Growing Lash and Brows serum

Apply a dab directly to the lashes and brows. It's packed with castor,...

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#209: Building Healthy Eye Habits: Your guide to Long-Term Vision Wellness

May 02, 2024

 I hope you've already watched my latest video on cultivating good eye habits, if not, catch it here. After all, taking care of your eyes is paramount, right? Your eyes are irreplaceable, the only pair you'll ever have.

That's why I'm thrilled to introduce you to the Eye Care Essentials Course, designed to guide you through the daily steps necessary for optimal eye health. And here's the best part: you can get this course for free when you purchase the Eye Care Essentials Kit, complete with all the products you need for your daily eye care routine. 

Now, let's dive into how we're going to turn these essential steps into lasting habits. Research suggests that if you commit to something for 28 consecutive days, it becomes ingrained as a habit. That's where tracking comes in...

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#208: Help for Eye Allergies

Apr 13, 2024

Spring brings a burst of colors and fragrances, but for many, it also marks the onset of ocular allergy symptoms. Itchy, watery eyes and incessant sneezing can make enjoying the season a challenge. However, with a few proactive steps, you can alleviate these symptoms and embrace the beauty of spring with clarity and comfort.

How do you know if it's an allergy?

There are a couple of symptoms that are the same between dry eyes and allergies so it can be hard to distinguish between the two problems. However, timing seems to play a big part in ocular allergies. If you suddenly notice the symptoms below, it's most likely to be allergy. 

  • redness
  • watering
  • Itching - this is the hallmark sign of allergy
  • Eyelid swelling
  • Mucus or stringy discharge
  • Topical antihistamine eye drops improve...
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#207: Bad Habits that Make Dry Eyes Worse

Apr 09, 2024

Sometimes my patients share cringe-worthy practices with me in my clinic. These are things they do with their eyes that they don't know are harmful. It's time to address these habits head-on. Let's talk about bad eye habits.


Bad Eye Habit #1) Using Get the Red Out Drops

Using drops that promise to "get the red out" are not helping your eyes. Stop using them! You're merely covering up the problem. If you're constantly using these drops, you're ignoring the warning signs. Redness is your body's way of signaling danger or caution. So why cover it up instead of fixing it?

Those "get the red out" drops squeeze the blood vessels on the front of your eyes closed. Thus, the drops control the redness, but they don't eliminate the inflammation. They're not good for you, often...

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#206: Solar Eclipse Viewing for Dry Eye Sufferers

Apr 06, 2024

What is a Total Solar Eclipse?

A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun. The sky will darken as if it were dawn or dusk, and you may be able to glimpse the Sun's outer atmosphere, or corona.

Throughout a solar eclipse, the moon casts a shadow onto the Earth's surface, creating a temporary dimming of daylight. This phenomenon can be observed within the path of totality, where the sun is completely obscured, as well as in regions experiencing a partial eclipse, where the sun appears partially covered by the moon.


When Will it Happen?

The 2024 total solar eclipse will occur happen on Monday, April 8, 2024. It will be visible in the continental United States, passing over Mexico, the United States, and...

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