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#153: What's the Best Dry Eye Treatment?

Apr 21, 2022

Dry eye disease is multifactorial. This means that it comes from many areas in our body and in your environment. There are several factors that worsen dry eye disease that we cannot change. These are gender and age. Females over the age of 40 are more susceptible to having dry eye disease than others. Unfortunately, we cannot change these factors. 

What's the best approach to dry eye treatment? 

There are many other dry eye risk factors that can be changed. The best plan to treating dry eye disease is taking a multifactorial approach. In my own patients, I recommend taking 3 three pillar approach to treating dry eye disease. These pillars are: 

E: Eyes – customizing the 4-simple steps of daily eye care for the patients lifestyle. This daily regimen of eye care brings down the overall inflammation around the eyes and supports a healthy tear film. 

Y: Your health - This pillar looks at the health of your body. It incorporates looking into the diseases that you have, your family history, medications you're taking (whether they are prescription or over the counter), your sleep habits, and your normal diet. Again, some of these things cannot be changed. Your family history and perhaps the diseases that you already have. However, there are lifestyle changes that can make an overall improvement in your dry eye symptoms. 

E: Environment - In this pillar you explore: your  immediate environment around your eyes, your indoor environment, and your outdoor environment. The immediate environment around your eyes includes products you are using like eye makeup, self-care products, and contact lenses. The indoor environment may include making changes to your work area or other parts of your office or home that you tend to spend a lot of time in. And finally, the outdoor environment will include changes to be made depending on the season of the year to protect your dry eyes from environmental elements.  

What if I'm already seeing a dry eye specialist? 

If you are already seeing a dry eye specialist, great job. It is important to see an eye care provider on a regular basis if you suffer from dry eye disease. Dry eye is both chronic and progressive. Proper treatment is needed to control the symptoms of the disease. 

However, there are many changes which can be made to your lifestyle and habits that can improve your dry eye symptoms. Most eye care providers do not have the time to spend explaining these details in the clinical setting. 

Seeing an eye care professional in the clinic will allow you to be prescribed medications that are aimed at either increasing the volume of tears, you have in your eyes or decreasing the inflammation in the tears. Utilizing prescription medications can be important during your dry eye treatment. As well, in office procedures may be necessary to improve your dry eyes. In office procedures are aimed at removing excess bacteria from around the eyes or unclogging the oil glands. It is best to have a multi-faceted approach to your dry eye care. 


What is a dry eye course? 

I offer a dry eye course to my online audience. This course goes through the three pillars of dry eye care. By the end of the course, you will: 

  • Understand the root cause of your red, painful eyes. 
  • Learn which lifestyle factors are contributing your irritation. 
  • Create healthy lifestyle habits that support healthy eyes. 
  • Know what to do when you have a dry eye flare. 
  • Get your eyes back to normal so you can stop worrying about them constantly. 

What Could Happen When You Alleviate YOUR Dry Eyes? 

Would you go back to wearing eye makeup? 

Would you return to contact lens wear? 

Would you stop hiding your eyes behind sunglasses?  

Would you be able to enjoy outdoor activities again? 

Would you be able to finish your computer work? And enjoy a good book once your got home? 

Alleviating your dry eye symptoms can help you get your life back. If you've been suffering from dry eyes for a while, there are solutions. There are modifications that can be made to your environment, your lifestyle, and your daily habits that will improve your dry eye symptoms. 

Introducing the Alleviate Dry Eye Course 

In the Alleviate Dry Eye course you’ll learn all the risk factors that increase dry eye symptoms. These include: systemic disease, medications, sleep, diet, contact lenses, makeup wear, digital device use, and seasons of the year. The course is presented via:

  • 6 modules of online via videos, handouts, and worksheets
  • 12 weekly group calls: use these calls to ask me questions directly, get feedback from others in the group, and offer support to one another
  • 24 hour access to a private Facebook group where you can find support, ask questions, and share your wins



What have previous participants said about the course? 

I have offered this course in the past period and participants love learning the material, knowing how to utilize it in their daily activities, and especially enjoy getting to know other participants in the course. Here's a message about the course from Pat:

 "If you have any concerns about jumping on and participating (in the course), don't hesitate.  It's worth every single dime. Don't go to dollar general for anything, just go to Dr. Theriot. She is the best on line.  And, it doesn't matter where you are. If you're in Poland or, if you're in Texas, she's here for you."  

 How do I get the online course? 

It is simple to sign up. You can go directly to the link here. Once you have signed up, you will have immediate access to all the course materials. And shortly thereafter, you will receive an email with the link to the weekly calls and to schedule your consultations. 

If you're interested in the course but have a few questions, you can email those questions to me at: [email protected]. Or, if you would like to speak to me directly about these questions, please schedule a free consultation here. 


Dry eye disease is multifactorial and needs to be treated in a multi-pillared approach. Considering your eyes, your health, and the environment around you is the best way to treat dry eye disease. The Alleviate Dry Eye course will help you get the relief you need. 

Dry eye relief is the best kind of relief. 

I can't wait to see you inside the Alleviate Dry Eye course. It is the foundation to healing your dry eyes and keeping them healthy for a lifetime. Get the support you need and a personalized dry eye treatment plan to finally stop worrying about your eyes. Learning to keep your dry eyes healthy today will provide you with vision that lasts for a lifetime. Let's get going on your healing journey. 



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