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#154: Introducing the Newest Clean Beauty Favorite: 20/20 Beauty Mascara

Apr 28, 2022

I have something special to announce.  One of my favorite Clean beauty brands, Twenty/Twenty Beauty has just released their first CLEAN mascara. It is called Clean Sweep Mascara

Why do you need a CLEAN Mascara?

Mascara is one of women's favorite beauty products.  It is reported that the average American woman applies mascara 9 times a week.  That's more than once a day.  And, once it is on the lashes, generally, women leave it on all day long.  

Women love for mascara to make their lashes look darker, longer, and for the look to last all day.  When you have something so close to your eyes all day long, you need to make sure it's healthy for your eyes.  You don't want the ingredients to be toxic. And, you don't want the mascara to flake off into your eyes.

What is CLEAN Beauty?

In a nutshell, CLEAN Beauty products do not contain any toxic ingredients.  Toxic ingredients around the eyes cause inflammation, and inflammation causes redness, irritation, and wrinkles over the long term.  You can read all about Clean Beauty in this blog.

Also, CLEAN beauty is different than being organic, all-natural, or hypo-allergenic.  It may have organic or natural ingredients, but the point is for the ingredients to be non-toxic.  Learn about the buzz words in Clean Beauty that can lead to misinterpretation here.

3 Reasons to Love Clean Sweep Mascara

Clean Sweep mascara is clean beauty at it's best.  There are so many reasons to love it, but I have narrowed down 3 features that are just amazing. 

#1) The Color

Clean Sweep Mascara is available in Pitch Black.  It is a rich color that goes on evenly and coats the lashes well. It's nice and dark, which makes your eyes pop.

#2) The Ingredients

This Clean Sweep mascara contains three ingredients that you're going to love.

Hyaluronic acid: When hyaluronic acid is an ingredient in eyedrops it promotes water retention on the eyes. Hyaluronic acid on the lashes works to plump up your lashes that have gotten dehydrated from using waterproof or mascara containing toxic ingredients.  These ingredients dry out the lashes. The hyaluronic acid is going to help to plump up those lashes and make them thicker.

Biotin: Biotin is a form of vitamin E. It's going to promote stronger, thicker and longer looking lashes right away. And the longer you use this mascara, the stronger thicker and longer looking your lashes are going to become. How fabulous.

Vitamin E: Now vitamin E is an antioxidant. It will nourish your lashes and also protect them from environmental elements that may be trying to dry them out. Fully hydrated lashes are stronger and less prone to breaking off.

#3) The Brush

The mascara comes in a full size wand, and it has a nice brush.  The brush has a gentle curve that you can use to apply the mascara from the base of your lashes to the tips.  The bristles spread the mascara evenly.  The wand lifts the lashes and makes them look long and strong. 

This mascara is super pretty. And, since it is in a full size wand, you should throw it out every 3 months.  This keeps any extra bacteria out of your eyes.




Clean Sweep Mascara

So there you have it, Clean Sweep Mascara from Twenty/Twenty Beauty in Pitch Black is beautiful and super easy to use. If you want to take care of your eyes today, then your vision will last you a lifetime.

Dr. Diane Hilal-Campo is the brains behind Twenty/Twenty Beauty.  She is a practicing ophthalmologist and a lover of Clean Beauty. Check out this interview with Dr. Campo to hear why Clean Beauty is so important for your eyes in her own words. 

Can't wait to get your hands on Clean Sweep Mascara?  Head on over to  Use the promo code: Pam30, to get a 30% discount off of your purchase. 

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