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Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) in the Eyes

Feb 26, 2020

Platelet Rish Plasma 

Platelet Rich Plasma (also known as PRP) is a therapy that has been used in different aspects of medicine for over 20 years.  The use of PRP is gaining popularity because the platelets release enzymes to promote healing and tissue responses including attracting stem cells and growth factors to repair damaged tissue and cause regeneration and rejuvenation.  

To harvest the plasma, a sample of your own blood is spun-down and separated to collect a high concentration of growth factors. These factors accelerate healing due to rapidly duplicating cells, as well as, other healing factors migrating to the area of damaged tissue. In addition to quick healing, scarring is also minimized. 

PRP is used extensively in orthopedics, dentistry, and cosmetic surgery.  In these cases, the PRP is injected into the area that needs to heal, restore or rejuvenate.  


Kobe Bryant                                          Peyton Manning

Many athletes like Kobe Bryant, Peyton Manning, and Tiger Woods have used PRP therapy to revitalize their joints.  PRP injections can replace surgery in some cases and in other cases delay the need for surgery for months or years.

        Kim Kardashian

Many more uses of PRP are working their way into the beauty industry because the factors in the blood can bring out a youthful appearance.  In fact, Kim Kardashian has undergone the Vampire Facial.  The treatment "is being used to improve skin tone and texture, smooth fine lines, and even promote hair growth," states Joshua Zeichner, director of clinical and cosmetic research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.

Vampire Tears?

Plasma Tears or "Vampire Tears", as Dr. Bryan Lusk likes to call them,  are eye drops derived from PRP.  Once the plasma is collected and separated from your blood, the PRP is mixed with an artificial tear to be used on the eye. 

These tears heal the eye because they contain plasma.  Plasma is rich in factors that replace and renew tissue.  These factors include Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF), and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF).  And, plasma tears are 7X more concentrated in these factors than the serum tears.

The plasma is obtained by spinning your blood in a special centrifuge.  The device is set up to spin at precise speeds to extract the platelets and proteins beneficial to healing.  We use the Genius PRP System.

The plasma is placed into a bottle of preserved artificial tears.  The preservatives are necessary to prevent bacterial growth in the tears.  Systane Ultra is used as an artificial tear of choice.  ​The tears can be stored up to 1 year in the refrigerator​.  You do not want to shake, freeze or expose them to light.  

Plasma Tears work well for patients who have: 

  • Moderate to Severe Dry Eye 
  • Non-healing epithelial defect 
  • Slow healing after Refractive Surgery 
  • Slow healing after a corneal transplant 
  • Corneal Ulcers or Infections 
  • Chemical burns 
  • Corneal Perforations 
  • Recurrent corneal erosion 
  • Salzmann's Nodular Degeneration 
  • Filamentary Keratitis 

How does this work for Dry Eye

When your eyes are dry, the front surface of the eye is usually damaged.  If you are my clinical patient, then I may have told you that your eyes looked like you rubbed sandpaper over the surface.  Ouch.

The plasma tears act to stimulate stem cells, the ones that generate new cells.  They can also reverse long-term damage your eye may have sustained from an injury, infection, or long-standing dry eye disease.  

Since this is a product derived from your own blood, the drops are specifically formulated for you.  There are a few reasons you would not want to use these drops.  The list of contraindications for this procedure are:

  1. Pregnancy or Lactation 
  2. Skin diseases (i.e. SLE, porphyria, allergies) 
  3. Cancer 
  4. Chemotherapy treatments  
  5. Severe metabolic and systemic disorders 
  6. Abnormal platelet function (blood disorders, i.e. Hemodynamic Instability, Hypofibrinogenemia, Critical Thrombocytopenia) 
  7. Chronic Liver Disease 
  8. Anti-coagulation therapy (Coumadin, Warfarin, Plavix, Aspirin, Lovenox
  9. Underlying Sepsis 
  10. Systemic use of corticosteroids within two weeks of the procedure

How can I get Plasma Tears for my eyes?: 

Schedule an appointment for yourself at the Dry Eye Center at Lusk Eye Specialists.  The best way is to call the office at 318-222-5555.  You will first need to be examined by one of our doctors.  Then, an appointment will be scheduled to make the plasma tears.  Currently, we are scheduling these appointments about once a month.  We have our RN available to draw the patient's blood. 

During the appointment, 60ml of blood will be drawn from your arm.  This is not a lot of blood compared to donating blood at the blood bank.  However, it is equivalent to about 6 of the tubes of blood that your doctor may draw for lab work.  Therefore, make sure you are hydrated and have eaten a meal before your appointment. 

The appointment will take about 30 minutes to draw the blood and process the tears.  You will leave the appointment with the bottles of Plasma Tears.  These drops are usually dosed four times a day for one week, then two times a day until gone​

 Will not have your eyes dilated for this blood draw appointment.  You do not have to bring a driver.  However, we encourage you to eat a meal and drink plenty of water before your appointment 

The follow-up appointment will be scheduled a few weeks after receiving the plasma tears.  This appointment may range depending on the severity of your condition.  But, on average, we see most patients about 4 weeks after starting this therapy. You will continue to use your other eye medications unless otherwise directed. 

These drops are red.  These are protein-rich plasma drops.  In order to get the highest concentration of plasma and nerve growth factors, some red blood cells will remain in the solution.   This Gives the drops a red color.

Many Medi Spas may advertise the use of Liquid Gold.  However, this is actually platelet-poor plasma, because more of the RBCs and platelets have been spun out to giving the yellow color.

This therapy is currently not covered by insurance.  Therefore, the appointment to have your blood drawn and tears made is entirely out of pocket.  The initial evaluations and any follow-up visits to determine the effectiveness of your dry eyes will be covered by your medical insurance.  


PRP therapy has been used in medicine for over 20 years.  Due to its ability to heal quickly and minimize scarring PRP has made its way into ophthalmology and eye care.  

At Lusk Eye Specialists, we are using PRP and turning it into eye drops for patients that have moderate to severe dry eye or to heal an infection that may otherwise leave a scar.   These drops are getting great results for our patients and enabling them to feel more comfortable.  

You can schedule an appointment to discuss if Plasma Tears will be a good treatment for you by calling the office at 318-222-5555.


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