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CLEAN Makeup

Dec 23, 2019
In the past decade or so, there has been a bigger push to eat more organic and non-GMO foods.  Manufacturers have taken out more of the toxic ingredients which had been in our personal care products.  Many of these products that we put in and on our bodies contain toxins which have hazardous effects on our body over years of use.  
These ingredients that we come into contact with on a daily basis are accountable for the increase we have seen in the United States in infertility and cancers, just to name a few.  It is important not only that we keep toxins out of the products that we put in our eyes, but also around our eyes. 
The tissues of our eyelids are some of the thinnest tissues in our bodies.  Creams, lotions, cleansers, and makeup applied to the eye will readily make their way to our blood stream have access to our entire body within minutes of applying.  The beauty industry in the U.S. is largely unregulated.  That is why I developed the CLEAN Makeup Manual Course to keep your eyes, and your body, healthy for years to come.  
The CLEAN Makeup Manual course is a short process that takes your eyes from being red, watery and irritated by your makeup to loving wearing your eye makeup again.


The first step in this simple 5-step course is to recommend the best removers to use to clean off your makeup at the end of the day.  All of that mascara and eyeliner must be removed, so bacteria doesn’t make themselves at home while you sleep.   At the same time, you don't want to be adding irritants to the eye that would sensitize your tissues, or soaps that would dry out your delicate skin.  The guide takes you through the 4 most common types of makeup removers and gives specific recommendations on the brands that are safe to use in each category.


Find out the latest methods for keeping your eyes healthy well looking beautiful.  Do you feel like you should try to do something better for your eyes, but you don't want to give up wearing makeup?  Well, you certainly don't have to.  There are a couple of rules that are non-negotiable as far as the type of makeup or the style of application that would actually cause harm to your eyes.  These you must stay away from.  I will outline them all for you in this second section.  But, really, as trends change, you will be able to follow the latest styles will keeping your eyes healthy. 


Find out which ingredients in your products are toxic and which ones are irritants.  For instance, alcohol is a common ingredient in makeup removers.  Alcohol fumes will irritate the sensitive front surface of your eyes, and must be avoided.  Inside this module you will know which 26 ingredients must be avoided and why.  


In this section, you will be able to assure that your makeup and your tools are free of bacteria and parasites, too.  You wouldn't want to apply your toxin free makeup to your lids with dirty tools.  There is a specific way and schedule to use to take care of your brushes and applicators.  Learn about expiration dates of each type of makeup item.  You must dispose of your mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow and lip stick at different intervals to keep it clean and healthy. 

STEP 5 - NOW you know

As women, I believe that if we knew better, we would do better.  This section shows a list of CLEAN makeup brands that are not only beautiful but also safe to use.  Choose your new makeup from this curated list of products that have been identified as non-toxic and tested by my team as easy to use.  Get on out there and  show them what you’ve got.  
This bonus section goes over lash extensions, growth serums, and my favorite way to naturally grow your own beautiful lashes.  


As women, makeup has been part of our daily routine for most of our lives.  It gives us confidence to go out in the world and do big things.  We love to experiment with us to give us different looks for different occasions.  It has brought us joy and comfort for years.  The last thing we want to do is have to stop wearing it. 
Unfortunately, the truth is that wearing the wrong kind of makeup or applying it in the wrong manner has brought on the symptoms of redness and irritation that you are currently suffering from. 
I believe that making a few simple changes in the way you wear and care for your makeup will bring a huge difference in the comfort of your eyes.  Start feeling better today by downloading the CLEAN Makeup Manual Course.

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