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3 Worst Clean Makeup Habits 

Feb 23, 2021

Clean makeup is defined as beauty products that are made without ingredients that will harm human health. I'm sure that over the last couple of weeks, discussing clean makeup has made you curious about it. Because I know you want to have those whiter, brighter-looking eyes.

You're tired of hiding your eyes because they're so red all the time. Plus, you'll do just about anything to diminish wrinkles around your eyes. Now that you're ready to make the switch to using clean makeup, don't fall for these bad habits. 

Even when you're using clean makeup, practicing poor hygiene and poor beauty application techniques can still cause harm to your eyes. There are a few rules to follow that will ensure your eyes remain healthy and wrinkle-free. When using your new clean makeup products. 

#1) No Tightlining or Waterlining 

Tightlining is an eyeliner technique in which you line the inside of your upper eyelid.  The liner is said to enhance your eyes and create a wide-eyed look.  It can also make your lashes look darker and fuller.  

Water lining is a technique used on the lower eyelid by applying eyeliner to the space between the lashes and the eye.  This look is used for filling in sparse spots in lashes or creating a smoky eye. 

I know all of this may sound great.  These techniques are going to make your eyes look sexier and more open.  And, your lashes will look darker and fuller.  What’s wrong with all of that?  

I hate to burst your bubble, but the “skin” where the eyeliner is going in both of these techniques is actually the most delicate part of the eyelid.  This part houses the meibomian glands which produce the oils necessary for a healthy tear film. 

Using any eyeliner, even a clean eyeliner will clog the glands and interfere with oils coming out of them.  And, once the eyeliner is on the waterline, it will find its way into your tears.  Then, the liner will float around inside your eyes all day causing micro abrasions on the front of the eyes. 

#2) Ignoring Expiration Dates 

Throwing out your makeup when it's expired matters.  Even though the ingredients started out as “Clean” they can still get contaminated with use.  There are bacteria and even mites that live on your eyelids and lashes.  The bacteria are normal to be there, but they can flourish inside a mascara wand, eyeliner tube, or eye shadow palette. 

This would mean you are putting more and more bacteria and mites onto your eyelids with each application.  It wouldn’t matter if you started with clean, toxin-free makeup ingredients because with a few months of use they become contaminated with bacteria.   

The bottom line is that makeup has an expiration date just like a jug of milk.  You wouldn’t drink expired milk, so don’t put dirty makeup on your eyes. 

#3) Sleeping in your Eye Makeup 

I know you have heard me say this before, but you have to take your eye makeup off before sleeping.  Leaving your eye makeup on all night is the fastest way to cause eye problems including infections, styes, and irritation.  

First, bacteria will start to replicate on your lids when you give them a cozy place full of makeup debris to hide in.  When the bacteria make themselves at home, they cause redness and irritation that is worse first thing in the morning.  If you would like more information about morning eye irritation, check out this blog.   

Remove all of your eye makeup before sleeping.  Even “Clean” makeup will cause problems for your eyes if you do not remove it appropriately.  If you have struggled to find the best eye makeup remover, check out the guide to eye makeup removers for sensitive eyes here. 

One of my favorite techniques to make sure my eyes are clean before bed is to use two different types of eye makeup remover.  In particular, I like to use an oil-based eye makeup remover first.  Then, I use my nightly eyelid and lash cleanser.  I love the Zocular Foaming Cleanser.  Finally, I will wipe my lids and lashes dry with a makeup remover cloth.  My favorite makeup remover cloth is from Norwex.   

Using this technique, I ensure that I have attempted to remove every last bit of eye makeup before sleeping.  I am often surprised to see a trace of black mascara on my makeup remover cloth even after both removing the makeup and scrubbing my lashes.  I think you will be surprised as well. 


Switching to using Clean Makeup is great for your eye health and for slowing the signs of aging around your eye.  However, you will still need to follow good makeup habits to ensure healthy eyes.

Regardless of whether or not your eyeliner is made from clean ingredients, both tightlining and waterlining techniques are harmful.  Placing liner over your meibomian glands, the delicate structures of your lids, will clog those glands and prevent them from producing the oils your tear film needs.  When there isn't enough oil in your tears, the watery layer evaporates quickly.  And, your eyes feel dry.

Next, you will still need to throw away your makeup tubes, applicators, and palettes on schedule.  Bacteria will grow in clean ingredients just as fast as in toxic ingredients.  And, having bacteria living on your makeup products will cause redness, irritation, and infection.   Don't know when your makeup products expire?  Check out the Clean Makeup Course to learn all about clean makeup and its expiration dates.

Finally, you must remove all of your makeup every night no matter what.  Leaving makeup on your eyelids will enable bacteria to grow and thrive.  And, these bacteria cause redness and irritation both short and long term.  Download the Guide to Eye Makeup Removers for Sensitive Eyes here. 



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