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#159: 3 Best Clean Makeup Products in 2022

Jun 03, 2022

If you have dry eyes, it's important to understand why CLEAN makeup is so important for your eyes and body.  Check out some of the basic ideas around Clean makeup in this blog, and listen to a true Clean beauty expert weigh in on the importance of these products.  Switching to wearing CLEAN makeup you can prevent both eye irritation and wrinkles!!! 

Now that you're fired up about the importance of using Clean Makeup, let's review the three best clean makeup products for sensitive eyes in 2022.  If you feel like your makeup makes your eyes red and irritated, then switching out a few products will be well worth your time. 

I certainly understand how you feel.  Just a few years ago, I was in your shoes too. I was embarrassed that my eye makeup would run...

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#158: Understanding Sjogren's Syndrome (Part 2)

May 26, 2022

This week's blog is a continuation of the discussion I had with Dr. Pavly Moawad.  A. Pavly Moawad, MD, MRCSEd(Ophth), FICO is a Lecturer and Consultant Ophthalmologist at Cairo University Hospital in Egypt. In her ophthalmology practice she specializes in seeing patients with Sjogren's Syndrome. She has graciously agreed to share her vast knowledge on the subject of Sjogren's Syndrome with my readers.

In this part of the interview, I wanted to highlight how the eye doctor can determine whether you should be further evaluated for Sjogren's Syndrome, and the best treatment options for these patients.

Is there an Eye Exam to Determine Sjogren's Syndrome?

Sjogren's Syndrome attacks the glands that make secretions like tears and saliva.  So, the best test to...

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#157: Understanding Sjogren's Syndrome (Part 1)

May 17, 2022

I am honored to have a special guest with me, Dr. A Pavly Moawad, MD, MRCSEd(Ophth), FICO. She is a Lecturer and Consultant Ophthalmologist at Cairo University Hospital in Egypt. In her ophthalmology practice she specializes in seeing patients with Sjogren's Syndrome. 

What is Sjogren's Syndrome?

Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease. The main characteristics are dryness in the eyes, mouth, skin, and vagina.  Sjogren's syndrome attacks the glands that make secretions which lubricate our different parts of our body. But, the main two organs are the eyes and mouth. 

How is Sjogren's syndrome defined?

  • Using lubricating eye drops more than three times per day
  • Experiencing these symptoms more than three months
  • Also has dry mouth

What's the next step in a Sjogren's...

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#156: Is Lash Lengthening Mascara Safe for Dry Eyes?

May 11, 2022

These days, there are lots of beauty trends focused around eyelash length.  It seems to be, the longer the length the more glamourous or more beautiful.  As women, we may want to follow the fad.  But when you suffer from dry eyes, is it safe to follow it?

What is the ideal eyelash length?

Eyelashes play and important role in protecting the eye.  Length is important. Your natural length is designed to suit the level of the brow bone. They are intended to deflect wind, debris, and allergens.  Lashes that are too long can be just as detrimental to your eyes as lashes that are too short.  

The actual ideal lash length is one third of the width of your eye.  This is the best length to ensure your eyes are properly protected.


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#155: 3 Great Gifts for Mother's Day

May 03, 2022

Mothers are such an important figure in our lives.  I am so glad we have a whole day once a year to celebrate them.  Traditionally, this is a time to pamper your mother and show her your love and appreciation.

As you know, I advocate pampering your eyes and showing them love and appreciation every day.  So, I have put together a couple of gift sets that your mom could use to show her eyes some love and appreciation as well.  

They each make great gifts, and you can decide which set is right for your kind of mom.  And, don't forget, you can always give yourself a gift as well.

SET #1) Clean Mom

This is the perfect gift for a Mom who suffers from dry eyes and doesn't know where to start.  The products we put in and around our eyes contribute to the...

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#154: Introducing the Newest Clean Beauty Favorite: 20/20 Beauty Mascara

Apr 28, 2022

I have something special to announce.  One of my favorite Clean beauty brands, Twenty/Twenty Beauty has just released their first CLEAN mascara. It is called Clean Sweep Mascara

Why do you need a CLEAN Mascara?

Mascara is one of women's favorite beauty products.  It is reported that the average American woman applies mascara 9 times a week.  That's more than once a day.  And, once it is on the lashes, generally, women leave it on all day long.  

Women love for mascara to make their lashes look darker, longer, and for the look to last all day.  When you have something so close to your eyes all day long, you need to make sure it's healthy for your eyes.  You don't want the ingredients to be toxic. And, you don't want the mascara to flake off...

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#153: What's the Best Dry Eye Treatment?

Apr 21, 2022

Dry eye disease is multifactorial. This means that it comes from many areas in our body and in your environment. There are several factors that worsen dry eye disease that we cannot change. These are gender and age. Females over the age of 40 are more susceptible to having dry eye disease than others. Unfortunately, we cannot change these factors. 

What's the best approach to dry eye treatment? 

There are many other dry eye risk factors that can be changed. The best plan to treating dry eye disease is taking a multifactorial approach. In my own patients, I recommend taking 3 three pillar approach to treating dry eye disease. These pillars are: 

E: Eyes – customizing the 4-simple steps of daily eye care for the patients lifestyle. This daily regimen of...

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#152: How to Make Your Dry Eyes White

Apr 12, 2022

One of the biggest complaints my dry eye patients talk to me about is redness.  Across the board, no matter their age or gender, patients hate having red eyes.  It's just embarrassing.  And, in truth, other people do notice when your eyes are red.  

Let's face it, the eyes are the windows to your soul.  And although rose colored glasses may give you a sunnier disposition, rose colored eyes do not.  There is no beauty in red eyes.  And, we don't like the story that red eyes tend to relate about activities we may have engaged in the night before.

Instead let's concentrate on how to make your dry eyes white again. This week especially, only a few days before Easter, you don't want to be mistaken for an Easter bunny.

Why are your eyes red when...

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#151: Working with Dry Eye

Apr 07, 2022

The cause of Dry Eye Disease is multifactorial.  This means that the factors that make it worse come from all around us.  It is our lifestyle, or the things you're, or are not, doing on a daily basis that can either improve or hinder your dry eye symptoms. 

Last month, I did a webinar with Scope Eyecare to explore how to deal with Dry Eye Disease while you're working.  Your computer and other digital devices can play a big role in how dry your eyes feel. Download the guide to Digital Eye Strain Relief here.

In this webinar, we took a deep dive into:

  • How to know if you have dry eyes. Yes, there are tons of tests your doctor can do, but you can do this quick test to find out for yourself.
  • Blink regularly and intentionally.  Close your eyes and intentionally...
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#150: Help! My Eyes are so Dry, I Can’t Finish My Work

Mar 22, 2022

A lot of patients come to my office because their dry eyes are affecting their ability to work.  Some days your eyes may be bothering you so much that you just can't continue to work for another minute. What are you going to do now?

 I don't know if you know this, but I spend a lot of time on the computer myself.  I wrote a book a few years ago.  I write articles for Optometric journals and prepare lectures to present to colleagues.  I also have a blog and a website. All of these things can cause me to be on the computer into the wee hours. Often my eyes own eyes are tired, and I feel like I just can't keep going.

I've found some things that really help.  I have done a number of blogs to help you adjust your workstation and help you keep working. ...

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